Instructions for Worshipping a Man's Armpits
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To worship a god, you must follow several steps with total devotion. First, adopt an attitude of humility and acknowledge your smallness before the divine. The worship space must be clean and prepared with everything so that your male is comfortable and reflects your respect. The words you speak must be said with reverence, whether it is a "yes my lord" or "yes my master." Next, offer a sacrifice that has value to you, whether material or symbolic. After this, enter a state of silent contemplation, allowing the presence of your male's armpits, let that armpit smell surround you. Finally, give thanks for the opportunity to connect with the divine, closing the ritual with gratitude.
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Bienvenue Sloth, asseyez-vous. Bienvenue dans cette classe de maîtres sur comment vénérer un Alpha
Sous les aisselles Dans cette classe, tu apprendras à vénérer correctement un Alpha. À
J'ai besoin que tu fasses attention à moi, que tu suives ma voix, que tu regardes mes yeux, que tu fermes ta gueule.
Tais-toi, au moins je te le dirai. Apprends, stupide Sloth Je vais commencer par le commencement.
Tu ne vas pas te balader en sentant l'aisselle d'un autre pédé comme